The last remaining parts for my new computer arrived yesterday, so I spent a few hours putting it together. CPU and CPU fan were fine, as was the memory, but knowing what cables go where for the PSU, getting the graphics card to fit properly (It's really huge) and working out where all the little cables go on the motherboard was confusing, but now that I've had experience with it I feel next time I build a computer (which hopefully shouldn't be for quite some time since this computer should be future proof), I should be able to do it with little trouble.
It's nice being able to play games full screen with max settings and have no lag~
No computer is future proof XD But should last you awhile, i remember how fidly building a computer from scratch was.
ReplyDeletebuilding a new computer is always fun, kinda wish i had one to build right now XD.
ReplyDeleteI still remember when I got a more modern GPU. I was astonished by the size of it (when comparing the one I got like 7 years ago, a pci-e card).
ReplyDeleteThats awesome :) I love building computers from scratch.
ReplyDeleteawesome. new toys (espeically tech) are so much fun. enjoy!
ReplyDeleteGood news my friend.
ReplyDeleteI can play games with max graphical settings, too --as long as the games are at least 5 years old.
ReplyDeleteI must admit I'm a little jealous :P
Hooray for new toys! Do you have a sweet video card?